The Thought Journal: When re-evaluating my "thought catcher" I realized that I am interested most in the thought, where the mind wanders while engaged in the ritual of being in the coffee shop. I don't want to be too intrusive in their process I just want to capture the thought as it is happening. And in return make the person aware of the wandering thoughts.
My New Idea: Provide a Thought Catching Journal that is left on the tables for the individual to discover, contribute and explore.
An interior page reads,
"What are you doing in the coffee shop today; reading a book, studying, having a meeting, texting a friend, day dreaming? Amidst this facade the mind wanders. Where does it go? This journal here is a way to capture those thoughts. Keep it with you the entire time you are in the coffee shop today and take pause each time a wandering thought enters your mind to record here in these pages.
Before you leave return the thought journal to the collecting bin near the doors and visit www.justathoughtproject.com to see what other thoughts are floating around the shop beneath the surface."
Each page has a place at the top to record the date, time and what they are doing at that time, then space for their thoughts.
