...my apologies, this is my very first blog (believe it or not). Don't get me wrong, I have been reading blogs since back when they were musing of serious writers and have continued to read them into the age of "mommy" blogs. But I had always resisted taking that step into the blogging world. I am not a serious (or even good) writer, and I am not a mommy with pictures, videos and those hilarious stories that bring you to tears to post of my superstar children. What could I even begin to write that one would ever want to read. And then they said it, we have to keep a blog in graduate school. Which leads me back to my apologies. Quite out of character for myself I am starting this blog without reading, researching and analyzing ever other design blog out there. I am throwing caution to the wind (at least my version of that) and jumping right on into this.
So what will you find in this blog? Well, I haven't really established this yet. I know that you will encounter grammatical errors, but in addition I think I am going to post my graduate work, maybe a bit of my musings about my graduate school experience... and that is all I have for now (stay tuned).
Who is my audience? You and a little bit me but, let's face it, mostly my mom (Hi, Mom! I apologize that this blog won't be as entertaining as the other "mommy" blogs you read, but I know that you'll bear with me, I am your daughter).
Signing off (do people do that?)