For the performance aspect of this project I was inspired from a past Valentine's Day gift idea that may have been misappropriated and went a little array. One year from Valentine's Day my gift for my husband, Zach, was a book, not necessarily one that he requested or that he would have even been interested in actually reading. In order to disguise the lameness of the gift I decide to orchestrate an elaborate scavenger hunt with impossibly difficult clues all pertaining to love and our relationship and such. The scavenger hunt was painful enough in itself, but seeing as the reward at the end of it all was a book was even more excruciating for Zach. So I decided to attempt to salvage my scavenger hunt idea and send my fellow classmates on a hunt for the rules.
There was also an audio element. The participant listened to a rule then followed a clue with a set of instructions on where to find the next. All along the way they were asked to bend, break or ignore the rules by entering the bathroom of the opposite sex, using their cell phone in the library, ignoring "Do Not Enter" signs and indulging in an abundance of sugary, frosted cookies with sprinkles. I am not sure that it was any less painful then the V-Day experience but at least we got out of the classroom for a bit.
For the typographic interface experience I designed a set of unconventional posters that would encourage the viewer to question the conventions of reading. Along with throwing out the conventional rules of writing and reading I wrapped posters around corners, in doorways, up stairs and on the ceiling. The intention was to inspire or motivate the viewer to alter their patterns of viewing and reading text by breaking the rules.